Well, Super Storm Sandy kicked our Northeast ass. New Jeresy was hit hard and lower Manhattan is flooded. Parts of Queens are on fire and Long Island and other counties are without power. Here are some images via techeblog.com.
Check out these people freaking out at a hunted house. Must have seen something really spooky... like your FACE! See the rest here. Pics via 2leep.com.
"Watch in this video as magician Rich Ferguson of The Ice Breaker
pranks people on the streets of San Luis Obispo, California with his
“Head Drop Trick.” (An interesting aside, he filmed some of this funny
video in one of the city’s tourist attraction, Bubblegum Alley.)" - Vid & Link via Laughingsquid.com.
"This is the halftime performance of The Ohio State University Marching Band on 10/6/12 against Nebraska. The theme was Video games and it included parts from Zelda, Halo, Pokemon, Tetris, and others." - by handmrow gobucks.
Mediocre Films sketch comedian Greg Benson and Miles Grose each wrote the other a shopping list filled with nonsensical grocery items and went to prank employees at Whole Foods grocery store. By the way, can you pick me up some Teenie Weenie Peenie Condoms while you are there? Vid via laughingsquid.com.